We are launching a House of Prayer, whose vision will be to worship and glorify the Lord daily, and to pray and intercede for the salvation of the lost in our cities. We will sit at Jesus’ feet and pray the prayers that He is asking us to pray in those moments.

We will be meeting 5 days a week for 2 hours each day. Church on Saturday and Sabbath on Sunday.

This house will be a part of Presence Church, but will be a blessing to all of Orange County. The vision is to benefit the whole Church body with a covering of worship and prayer. All are welcome to pray, however, there is no requirement to pray.

We believe that this prayer movement we are in will precede the revival we are after. We are being obedient in our part.

Presence Church is not “turning into” a house of prayer. We feel called to build the church on the foundation of worship and prayer. Much like the Temple in the Old Testament was the center of the church, so will worship and adoration of Jesus be to us.

Like the story of the good King Hezekiah, we are cleaning out the temple, calling the levites back and relighting the priestly lamp (prayer and worship over the region).

The house of prayer helps our church because it keeps our eyes on Jesus as we disciple, equip and do life together at Presence. Prayer is strategic!

Come and Pray With Us

As we pray for the river of Ezekiel’s temple, that flows through the city, bringing healing, deliverance and salvation, we invite you to come and pray and worship with us over the region! Fridays are special because we will have more musicians to lead us.

What to Expect

YOU ARE IMPORTANT! When you first come in, we will be worshiping and thanking the Lord -entering his courts with thanksgiving and praise.

At some point we will move into prayer and intercession. There will be leaders directing these parts. There will also be opportunities for you to participate in praying on the mic or praying corporately together. Feel free to dance or other forms of worship and intercession/prayer.

Some days may only have worship playing over a speaker and no live instruments. Thats okay! Prayer still works!


Monday 8:30-10:30am 

Tuesday 7-9pm

Wednesday 8:30-10:30am

Thursday 7-9pm

Friday 7-9pm (corporate time)

Current Location

OC Christian Center 

3303 Harbor Blvd Suite A-104, Costa Mesa

(right next to Fed-Ex off Harbor)


Is this prayer house open to everyone?


Is there always going to be live worship with instruments?

No. Most of the sets will have musicians trained to lead us into worship but sometimes we will just have music over the speakers. I have some of my most powerful prayer times when I just put on a youtube video of Jesus Image worship. Try it!

Can I be a part of one of the prayer set teams?

Great question! If you would like to be a part of one of the teams, email Pastor Jesse from Presence Church at We are excited to have more musicians and leaders. It may not happen instantly as we are careful to build through relationship to protect the DNA of what God is doing. We do ask for a commitment from anyone wanting to join a team.

Is the prayer house open 24/7?

No. There house of each set are listed above. We have our Church service on Saturdays at 4pm, and on Sundays we felt the Lord tell us to rest.

Is there a place to give ideas or feedback of any kind?

Sure. We’d love to hear from you. Email with any ideas or issues that may have come up. We want to make sure the prayer house is a safe space for everyone coming!