House of prayer + update
Exciting things are happening at church and I wanted to do my best to update everyone. In some ways, not much has changed in our normal meetings, and in other ways, everything has changed. We feel strongly that where God is leading us requires a bit of letting go of the “good”(the past), in order to follow more closely, God the master builder. For example, one place of obedience led us to deleting our Instagram and Facebook pages and rebranding our website. (We started a new Instagram page, @presence.oc if you want to find us.)
But what I wanted to share about today is the beginning of something else…
The House of Prayer (for the harvest, for Jesus)
We are excited to share with you what God is leading us into, in this next season. We are being obedient to God’s call on Presence to launch a house of prayer for the nations. Further, God has told us that He wants us to build Presence Church on top of the foundation of this house of prayer. The house of prayer is specifically for the healing and salvation of our cities - but will also act as a way of keeping our eyes and desires for Jesus as the first thing we pursue as a church. This house of prayer will be a house where the river of God can flow out of and into the city. We are not looking to promote it and build a following. God has told us that He will use it in this coming harvest and revival - like rivers moving through the city, bringing healing and deliverance to everything it touches. (Ezekiel 47)
As we steward Presence Church, the house of prayer will go before us in the Spirit, like Daniel Nash preceding the evangelist Charles Finney at his revival meetings in the 1800s. Father Nash would go ahead of Finney into a town and begin praying and interceding days before in a basement somewhere nearby Finney’s revival meetings. Everywhere Father Nash sowed, his prayers became an outpouring of God’s power. It is said when Nash passed away in 1831, the meetings were never the same.
Preceding and prevailing prayer was the key to the great revivals that followed Finney’s meetings.
Although Presence will certainly benefit from a foundation of honoring Jesus first, and engaging in this preceding prayer for the harvest of souls, we believe that the house of prayer will also be an instrument for the larger Church. That what happens each week in the house would bless and fuel all those that have a heart to see our cities saved, healed and delivered.
Nothing happens unless there is prevailing prayer. These times we are in require it.
The Vision of Presence Church
We are a community of people who passionately love Jesus, dedicated to seeing the salvation the nations.
Purpose of the Prayer Room
To glorify King Jesus, and to pray and intercede for the harvest in Orange County and the nations.
Our future plans
We believe that Presence Church is called to be a Sunday morning church, built on the foundation of the house of prayer. God made it incredibly clear to us that as we launch the House of Prayer on March 7th, that He is relaunching Presence. Like Noah and his family landing on fresh ground, we will see God build something fruitful and beautiful.
Two Mountains
God told us to rebuild Presence on two mountains - the Temple and the Harvest. First, the mountain of the Temple. Jesus said that, “My house will be called a house of prayer.” The foundation of God’s house is prayer: intimacy, relationship, and advancing the kingdom. Our first calling as Christians is to be priests in His presence, glorifying Jesus daily. On this foundation, we will have church services, kids church, youth group, bible studies, (pickleball tournaments), discipleship…multi-generations of people passionately loving and following Jesus.
God told me that the second mountain we will build on is the Harvest. In a vision in 2023, God told me there was going to be a harvest - then he asked if I wanted to be a part of it. I began to weep and tell him that I didn’t know how to. Presence will prioritize the salvation of our cities and nation. There is no other option for us. How we walk this out is for Him to reveal, but for us to make primary. I know it has sometime to do with the house of prayer, the temple, where the river of God flows out of and heals the city. Prevailing prayer!
Next Steps
Part of our walk of faith these days is that we don’t know what the future holds. As of now, we don’t have a Sunday venue/space and so we are staying on Saturdays. God told me a few months ago, “When my cloud (presence) moves, you guys will move. But if it stays, you guys stay.” (Exodus 40) It was pretty clear.
Though we don’t know step 3 or 4… of this journey, this has been the easiest season for our team to follow God and watch Him do incredible things. I believe we will eventually be on Sundays with our own space that we will use for prayer, for discipling, for family, for feasting, and for revival. But until then, we are staying and following His presence. In this, we are always seeking a truer and more authentic manifestation of what God wants for His Church.
What would the Church look like if it were built not to attract people, but to attract God?
-Rick Joyner
The invitation.
I want to invite you into not just prevailing prayer, but also on this journey as we seek God’s heart for our people and those still lost in our cities. Join us as we follow the Holy Spirit, to transform, to heal, to save and deliver.
I hunger and burn to see a move of God that has never been witnessed and a harvest that puts the lonely in family.
Prayer room launch night | March 7th, @7pm-9pm
Location: TBD
God’s Commission for Presence: Pray for 2 hrs, 5 days a week. Church on Saturday and Sabbath is Sunday.