Presence OC

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Stopping for the One

Recently, myself and a few of the pastors went to a conference in Sacramento with Jesus Culture. It was a great time of refreshing, renewing and inspiration.

One of the things I came away with, was 'stopping for the one'. Whether that 'one' is someone in your family, your neighborhood, your friends, your work, your kid’s soccer team, your grocery store or at church. 

Look out for that 'one'. They may be the lonely, the sad, the seeker, the homeless, the confused, the unloved, the unknown, the 'one' that needs Jesus. It could be a child, a teenager, a young adult, a mom or dad, or an elderly person.


That ‘one’ could be closer to home - your spouse, your roommate, your child or your parent.

Do not pass by the 'one'. They need you. For many of us, we may not feel capable of ‘doing the right thing’ and yet, we have above and beyond all we need to minister and love the 'one'.


You have the power of Jesus in you and in your 'weakness' His strength is perfected (see Moses, David, Abraham for starters!) You have the Holy Spirit in you to speak and declare life into that person. You can change that person’s day (or week/month!) for the good, turn their hearts to God and for them to know their true identity.


I encourage you to find those ‘ones’ in your life. Be brave and bold to speak into their lives and make them feel seen and loved.  I look forward to your stories of stopping for the one!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash