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Who do you say Jesus is?

"If you want to know what God is like, simply look at Jesus." - N.T. Wright


Did you know that when Jesus was on the Earth, He claimed to be God in the flesh? Jesus left no wiggle room about what could be said about Him. He couldn't just be "a nice guy" or "a good teacher." Jesus didn't leave that option for people to remain open for consideration. Instead, He made some intense, serious, radical claims about His own identity. He claimed that He and God were one. An author by the name of C.S. Lewis pointed out that in these claims, Jesus had to either have been: crazy and insane, a deceptive liar, or honestly correct. There is no fourth option — and the first two options aren't the kind of person you'd want to follow. 

"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anthing was created and is supreme over all creation" Col. 1:15

That's not all. Jesus' exclusivity was explained even further. Jesus was the ONLY ONE who could actually accomplish what was needed for humanity to be reconciled back to God. What separated us? Sin. Human rebellion, error, and evil. What sin separated, Jesus came to bring back together. As God in the flesh, a living and perfect person, He had no debt of His own to pay. He was the only completely innocent man who has ever lived. Fully God, fully human. Because of this, He was the only one capable of standing in the gap between between God and man. He did so by paying our debt. He took our "death sentence" and gave us an "eternal life sentence" instead. For those who would be willing to humble themselves to acknowledge their need for Him and believe He's the real deal. "There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity — the man Christ Jesus who gave his life as a ransom for many." 1 Tim. 2:5


This is who Jesus said He was. And this is who His followers say He is. But here is a question for you now.

Who do you say Jesus is?


  • Jake Callaway. Community Pastor | Presence Church

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash