Presence OC

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Joy is a profound sense of contentment and happiness that comes from experiencing the love of God. It is not dependent on external circumstances, but rather on having a meaningful relationship with God.

An illustration of joy in the Bible is the apostle Paul. Despite facing numerous hardships, including persecution and imprisonment, Paul remained joyful because of his faith in Christ. His joy came from knowing that he was serving God's purpose and that nothing could separate him from God's love.

As believers, we too can experience joy even in the midst of difficulties and trials. This is because we have the promise of eternal life through Jesus, and we know that nothing can separate us from Him. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, it is a byproduct of a life lived out with roots growing deep in the love of God.

So, may our roots grow deeper in him. And may the assurance of his faithfulness speak louder than the circumstances around us and keep us in His joy.

- Pastor Micah Klausman

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash