
Humility is an amazing virtue. It embodies a humble and modest perspective of ourselves, acknowledging that we are not the center of the universe. It involves recognizing that our talents, abilities, and accomplishments are not solely the result of our own efforts but are gifts from God, and therefore, we should give credit where it's due.


Jesus is a remarkable example of humility in the Bible. He was fully God, yet he chose to take on human form and become a servant, willingly giving up his life for others. Through his humility, Jesus taught us the true meaning of love and the significance of placing others before ourselves.


As followers of Christ, we are called to imitate his humility and selflessness. This might entail putting aside our personal desires and aspirations to serve others or simply acknowledging that we are not the most significant person in the world.


We ought to strive to live with humility, remembering that our ability to achieve anything is only by the grace of God. By following Jesus' example, we can experience the joy of serving others and make a positive impact in the world.


-       Pastor Micah Klausman

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Micah Klausman