Journalling helps you get closer to Jesus

I love journaling. I love writing and find it a joy to write things down. It goes into my head and heart so much easier. It makes the thoughts real on paper than wandering around in my head. It helps me see the bible clearer and hear the voice of God in a beautiful way.

But how do you journal?

Some, like me, prefer the written pen and paper. Some are digital writers on computers or phones. I even know some who draw, paint, and are artistic in their journaling. Do whatever leads your heart easier to the heart of God.

Each person is different in how they go about it, but here are some practical steps you might like to make in your journaling (take what you need).

·      Don’t be a perfectionist. You don’t have to write a ton, or even every day. Just write a little something. Keep it simple.

·      Maybe write out the verse or passage. Helps you remember it if nothing else. Meditate on that verse.

·      Write God a question. Sit and listen to the response. Keep asking questions and writing answers.

·      Maybe write about a challenge or struggle you are having. Write down dreams, hopes, goals. Write His thoughts to those.

·      Declare His declarations over you and your situations.

·      Write out any prayers you have/people on your heart. Ask God for a prophetic word for them and write it down.

And this is from Karli, our Social Media Manager, who is an avid and amazing writer.

I believe journaling can completely shift your relationship with God. I know for some people out there journalling might be something you’ve wished you did but you aren’t sure where to start.

I think it’s important to start out with a small commitment to yourself. Start with one sentence or set a 5-minute timer & see what happens.

To get you started here are 3 prompts:

  1. “Holy Spirit would you tell me one thing that you love about me?”

  2. “Today I am thankful for….”

  3. “Holy Spirit, is there anything you want to do or say?

Once you write the question down and pause for a few seconds until you hear a response from God. Write down whatever you hear.

It is basically a written communication with Jesus. Listening to the Holy Spirit as He talks to you.

Maybe you are not a writer and don’t even like journaling. I encourage you though to just write one line.

Start with one line.

Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash

Penelope Atkinson