He is not disappointed in you

"Most people are not really sure that God ever even thinks about them, and figure that if He does, He's probably disappointed." - John Eldridge


Can you relate? If so, this is for you. Even if not, I guarantee you know someone who does feel this way. Here’s an idea: what if God in fact saw that every issue of humanity came from each individual heart's experience of unlovedness. God's solution is to actually love that unloved part of us. God isn't disappointed in you. God had the option to punish humanity and mercy triumphed over judgement. God has already made up His about humanity — and you. He's not going anywhere. He’s committed to saving and restoring humanity through His Son. Picture this: God is hoping you'll let Him love those unloved parts of you. 


Learn to enjoy yourself like God enjoys you. When we don't love ourselves, we create a framework for the love we will or won’t receive. The parts of us we don't love, we tend to assume other people don't or won't love either. It will be really hard to receive the love of God if we see parts of yourself as unloveable. Seeing yourself how God sees you means recognizing that he loves all of you, not just the parts of you that you think are cool. Learn to enjoy yourself like God enjoys you. 



Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Jake Callaway